The GammaTec team put on a superb Technology Week event, at their South Africa headquarters, this year. Cygnus was delighted to be included, along with other key manufacturers of NDT equipment.

GammaTec invited their clients and interested parties from all sectors, including and not limited to Power Generation, Oil & Gas and general inspection. It was a fantastic chance for clients and equipment suppliers to discuss on-site needs, the technology available and market conditions. It wasn’t just about demonstrating products, though, the direct communication enabled all involved to exchange feedback, explore issues, empathise and connect.
Cygnus show cased: Cygnus 6+, Cygnus HatchSure and Cygnus DIVE. Our key message was “Ruggedness and Reliability”. We were staggered by the depth and quality of our conversations with equipment users and look forward to delivering on the opportunities created.
However, Cygnus Managing Director, Lulu Crosthwaite-Eyre and Regional Sales Manager, Ribu Kurien didn’t want to come home at the end of the week and will be applying for new jobs with Gammatec next year! Joking aside, our experience was enriched by meeting GammaTec people in all disciplines, on all levels and from all geographies.
Well done to GammaTec! – the team seamlessly hosted a relaxed environment and a good time was had by all – whilst forming meaningful impressions, relationships and possibilities…