Cygnus is celebrating another successful year! Cygnus Instruments HQ held a Summer Party last week at the Bull Hotel in Bridport. We were there to celebrate a great set of results in 2018 – as well as a superb 2019 to date.
The setting was an upstairs ballroom on a lovely Summer’s evening. As the Cygnus team arrived, cocktails were served and then we sat down to a wonderful Mediterranean dinner.
The fun for the evening was provided by Viva Las Vegas – a really excellent small family business based out of Bournemouth – who came with 2 extremely professional gaming tables; one Black Jack and one Roulette.
But before the Cygnus staff started gambling in earnest, the Managing Director, Lulu Crosthwaite-Eyre, took the chance to say a few words, emphasizing that although it was wonderful to have such good results coming in, it was really the growth of Cygnus as a team that was the real achievement. The Cygnus collective feels stronger and more focused then ever before, Lulu commented.
As the after-dinner cocktails were served, we were all handed “£200” of paper money and the games began. Jackie Sewell, Cygnus’ Management Accountant, made an early and serious bid for glory; but it was Jenny Brown, Cygnus’ newest member of staff, who won the evening after a series of seriously audacious bets on the roulette table.
It was an excellent celebration of Cygnus and the whole team are looking forward to the next one!